Empty Words hidden purpose
rolls off your lips like sweet truth
full expression momentary feelings mistaken for love
I’m through with unnecessary dancing
Though kindness leads us to repentance
over your agendas you prostituting your smile
prostituting your personality prostituting your talents
friendship is your transportation for freedom
family is the place that keeps your dreams
time is always extended in your world
it’s never limited and is as much as you want
No responsibilities No expectations
No longer obligated to care
The challenge diminished
To conquer depleted
Lost in the moment of being needed
Lifeless I lay there as you touch my being
Whatever you can get
However long it takes
Price paid with words have no consequence
Tangled in cycles that no longer fill your voids.
Resistant to transformation beyond your manipulation
Self-centeredness is your blanket
blue and gray worn and cold
You clench it’s corner begging to be comforted
Scared to love
Afraid to care
Fear of pain
Rejection haunts you in your dreams
Tragedy plays over in your head
Sonnets of pain sing loud to your heart
Your heart defines your desires
Your mind allows definition
Your spirit longs for reality
in your world.
Your soul trembles with thoughts of separation.
Fear of no purpose of being alone.
I love "Prostituting your smile" very aptly written!