remnants of old self that resinate through
this process of redemption and making me new
chasing me in my dream tonight
stricken with terror with fight or flight
fear of words unspoken
who i've been is still a part of me
something i can't release
envelope this heart of mine
heal these things not in sight
how strong is your love
i need to know
a love that dismantles sin
a love that covers what's within...
forgiveness sounds sweet
spoken over me
i need you to consume me

burn up these remnants that linger
bring peace to this soul that fears rejection
... can i just spell it out for the world to see
pearls to swine
filth that judges me
you are beautiful dear one
please pardon my actions against you
against myself
sweet spirit conquer my dream
you are the maker of my eternity
the planner of my healing
the transformer of my realities
thank you for being with me
i do not dare to walk alone
i'll trust you with all of me
Daddy, can I hide behind your mercy?-khristen